Kit bashing and scratch building British N Gauge models
NB The sketches used are NOT scale drawings.
The models described here are all simple conversions based on readily available parts, they are not in any sense 'fine scale' and some compromise has been accepted to use redily available parts. Several of the models are rather crude even by my standards, however they have filled in a few gaps and added some variety to long rakes of RTR or kit built wagons and vans.
When a section is completed the information will presented as a set of pictures, these will take a while to download but it keeps the text and pictures together. They were originally drawn to a much larger size, reducing them for use on the web has introduced a degree of shading however they print well enough.
Some projects may require two pictures, one for the chassis the other for the body. To save any one of the pictures right click on it and select 'save picture as'. The pictures can then easily be printed for reference.
Not all sections are complete (several of the drawings need a complete redrawing), so for some jobs you will need to print the web page to get the instructions (or cut and paste to Notepad).